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Straight, No Chaser: Battered Woman Syndrome and Why Victims Stay In Abusive Relationships

battered wife syndrome

Domestic violence has been in the news quite a bit lately, and among the many questions asked, perhaps the most frequent is beguiling to many: “Why do the victims stay in the abusive relationship?” Today’s Straight, No Chaser discusses the Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS). In recent Straight, No Chaser posts, we have looked at several aspects of domestic violence, including the following (click the links to access the posts):

As suggested by the name, many more women are victims of domestic violence and battered woman syndrome than men, although men are also victims of physical, psychological and sexual abuse. As viewed by the psychiatric community, BWS is a subcategory of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
To be clear, this is about power, control and violence. Both the symptoms produced and the treatment offered revolves around 1) identifying and breaking the perpetrator’s control and 2) identifying and changing the environment fostering the victim’s previous inability to escape that control. In some men, the need to exert power and to control women simply exists (whether learned as a child or innate), and abuse is how it is expressed. Until battered women take back some control over their lives, some will continue to suffer from the consequences of this disorder.

Let’s answer a few commonly asked questions about battered domestic partners.

battered wife syndrome cycle

What are the symptoms of battered woman syndrome?

  • Avoidance behavior and emotional numbing (usually expressed as depression, dissociation, minimization, repression and denial)
  • Body image distortion and/or physical complaints resulting from psychological stress
  • Disrupted interpersonal relationships resulting from the abuser’s power and control measures
  • Hyperarousal (jitteriness) and a high level anxiety
  • Unwanted, intrusive recollections of associated traumatic event(s)
  • Sexual intimacy issues

battered woman coping responses

What is the treatment approach and plan for victims of BWS?
The survivor therapy empowerment program (STEP) is the central approach to helping BWS patients recover.

  • Labeling and validation of abuse and safety planning (i.e. identify it, name it, and develop a plan for ongoing safety)
  • Cognitive restructuring (i.e. mentally free the victim from the willingness to accept the abuse and conditions producing the abuse)
  • Recognizing danger and building strengths
  • Reducing stress and PTSD symptoms
  • Learning about the existing cycle of violence (between behaviors and abusive actions)
  • Identifying and treating additional components of post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Calculating and adjusting for the impact on children
  • Grieving relationships and letting go
  • Emotional re-regulation (i.e. reprioritizing your emotional investments)
  • Rebuilding new relationships
  • Learning to appropriately allocating your pleasing behaviors and compliance issues
  • Termination (i.e. ending association with negative behavioral and individuals)

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Why do women stay?
It really is both a complicated and easily understood answer. There are many components to why victims stay and what’s necessary for them to escape, including any or all the following.

  • Domestic violence involves violence. Death is an option. This option becomes most viable when victims are escaping or have left, as the perpetrator no longer has control of the situation and fears the impending consequences. Clearly the victims understand this as well.
  • The dependency on the abusive environment often precludes leaving. Not having an escape plan, a safe haven or sufficient support are prohibitive to removing yourself from an abusive environment.
  • Battered women syndrome includes a certain mentality of invested love, hope and fears of loss that victims often do not care to easily relinquish.
  • In many cases BWS involves children, which further enhances the emotional investments and sense of impending loss, by both perpetrator and victim.

If you find yourself in such an environment and manage to escape, speak early, often, loudly and broadly about your prior situation. It will generate the various levels of support needed to prevent a relapse or recapture. Given that between a quarter to a third of women are or have been in an abusive relationship, someone you know is at risk. This is so prevalent that most emergency rooms now screen every woman for domestic abuse. Take the time today to ask your friends and loved ones if they need help. If you are that person, get help while you can.


The National Domestic Violence Hotline number is 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). You should definitely memorize it, but I hope you never have to use it. Unfortunately, the odds reveal that many of you will. I have attached a related TED talk on this same topic by a survivor.
Feel free to ask your SMA expert consultant any questions you may have on this topic.
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Straight, No Chaser: Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)


Athlete’s foot is one of those topics that everyone seems to know a little about but not enough to really understand. If your level of knowledge is “scaly, itchy rash on the feet = go to the pharmacy,” you need to empower yourself with some Straight, No Chaser answers to these frequently asked questions about athlete’s foot.
What puts me at risk for athlete’s foot?


  • If you frequently wear socks that are or become moist
  • If you frequently wear tight shoes
  • If you have diabetes, lupus, chronically take steroids or have another illness that lowers your immunity
  • If you’re male
  • If you’re with someone in the midst of a fungal infection and share bed sheets, carpeting, rugs, or shoes with them
  • If you’re barefoot while exposed in public areas such as showers, saunas or swimming pools

What causes athlete’s foot?
Tinea pedis (aka athlete’s foot) is a fungal infection. Tinea is the same family of fungi that produces the conditions known as jock itch and ringworm.
What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot?
Athletes foot-1
Look for a dry, scaly rash that most often is noticed between your toes. It produces itching and burning. It can progress to include blisters and/or ulcers.
Is athlete’s foot contagious? How is it spread?


Athlete’s foot is very contagious and is usually spread by floors, clothes, towels, bed sheets or rugs. Your hands can play a role in spreading it as well. Picking at the lesions with your hands can infect them and further spread the fungus to your groin or your nails.
What should I do to prevent athlete’s foot? 
Try these simple tips.

  • Wear clean socks that you change regularly or anytime they become wet.
  • Keep your feet dry. Regarding prevention, barefoot and dry is infinitely better than covering your feet with sweaty socks.
  • Avoid vinyl or rubber shoes, as these retard ventilation and promote fungal growth.
  • Don’t wear the same shoes every day. They need to dry out.
  • Don’t share shoes.
  • Wear shower shoes or waterproof sandals in public places.

When should I see a doctor? How can athlete’s foot be treated?
Here are some principles to care for and treat athlete’s foot.

  • If you have diabetes or a lowered immunity, see a physician immediately upon onset of athlete’s foot.
  • If you have athlete’s foot and develop pronounced or prolonged redness, swelling, warmth, fever or drainage, you should see a physician as soon as possible.
  • If you have normal immunity, it is reasonable to try an over-the-counter medication; these come in lotions, ointments, powders or sprays.
  • If you have athlete’s foot resistant to self-help efforts after a few weeks, you should see a physician.

Feel free to ask your SMA expert consultant any questions you may have on this topic.
Order your copy of Dr. Sterling’s new book Behind The Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER at jeffreysterlingbooks.com, iTunes, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and wherever books are sold.
Thanks for liking and following Straight, No Chaser! This public service provides a sample of what http://www.SterlingMedicalAdvice.com (SMA) and 844-SMA-TALK offers. Please share our page with your friends on WordPress, like us on Facebook SterlingMedicalAdvice.com and follow us on Twitter at @asksterlingmd.
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