I’m going to present this information two separate ways: today a checklist, as simple as possible; and tomorrow with the same information explained briefly but with detail. You likely will find it of interest that many of these considerations are the same healthcare basics that promote good health generally. Always appreciate these considerations aren’t guarantees but reductions of risks.
So… here are three principles and a total of eight tips (in case you remember nothing else, go with the principles).
What you allow to enter your body matters.
- Eat healthy foods.
- Protect yourself from the sun.
- Avoid tobacco of any type.
Strengthen your body.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Be physically active.
- Get immunized.
Prevention and early detection are key.
- Avoid risky sexual and illicit drug-related behaviors.
- Engage in routine medical care, screenings and self-exams.
Order your copy of Dr. Sterling’s new book Behind The Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER at jeffreysterlingbooks.com, iTunes, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and wherever books are sold.
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