Straight, No Chaser: A Personal Testimony of Health Empowerment

New LogoStraight, No Chaser often offers guest commentary; it’s helpful to hear complimentary perspectives on all sorts of matters. That said, what matters most is our ongoing goal of health empowerment. We want you to feel that you have the information you need to live your life to its fullest. I hope we get that right more times than not. To that end, today we turn over this space to a reader of both Straight, No Chaser and Behind the Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER Enjoy, and we’d love to hear your stories. Regarding this one, I couldn’t have said it any better.
Personal anecdote:
I Just came from “Behind The Curtain.” It was more than I expected and everything you promised and intended. A clear picture of who you are in life will be clearly reflected in the X-ray of your transition/death.
I am not surprised how well written the book is, the order of presentation, nor the vast territory covered, but I was truly enamored with your ability to provide minimal detail while painting a complete picture…not a simple (or easy) art.
My take away… “Our medical conditions are most often traceable and are the consequences of our actions. That’s not the same as saying illness is your fault, but your health is your responsibility. Empower yourself with knowledge…”
I am overweight because I consume more calories than I burn (fundamentally, correct). The difference between right and wrong is typically an easy distinction (for most anyway), but the decision/difference in choosing between right and wrong demands acknowledgement, desire and discipline. Because I’ve been what I refer to as “spoiled” (you know – want what I want, when I want it) my entire life, I have not exercised (literally nor figuratively) the discipline necessary to manage my weight. Thus, technically, I’m over weight because I haven’t exercised the necessary discipline.
It’s understandable that we don’t know what we don’t know, but it’s idiotic to not use (or capitalize on) what you do know. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! In hopes of staying from Behind the Curtain, I have made a decision to choose what I want most, over what I want now. After all, isn’t that what discipline is?
Lastly, two things, during your brief presentation at the book signing you stated “this book isn’t going to make me rich…” I would add…” But it can (hopefully) enrich the quality of life or dignity of death. And that is priceless!”
Excellent job, J Sterling! Excellent! Secondly, unless your goal is to do things differently, May I suggest signing the title page vs the inside cover.
That’s it! That all!
One more “last thing…” I too, almost lost my mother, in a nutshell: had a colonoscopy (@Cook County), the tech ripped/punctured her intestines (presumably unknowingingly), next day there was pain and more pain, she passed out, and paramedics had difficulty with resuscitation and moving an obese patient, creating further delay… We arrived at University of Chicago with a Code Blue… The doctors think it’s a miracle they get a pulse and heartbeat because they believe it’s a ruptured aorta The cardiologist goes in, nope, it’s a ruptured intestine, and they’ve got to get a different teams of doctors…. After a three month stay (and more drama and trauma), she heads to RIC for a 6 week rehabilitation journey…only to return a week later vomiting liquid w/blood (I can’t even recall that diagnosis). Five years later the hell raiser is still traveling the world – raising hell! But only due to God’s grace.
Love is the capacity to connect, forever! Love always.
Order your copy of Dr. Sterling’s new book Behind The Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER at, iTunes, AmazonBarnes and Nobles and wherever books are sold.
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