Tag Archives: Abdomen

Straight, No Chaser: Hernias Are Why Your Doctor Asks You to Turn Your Head and Cough!


Hernias are an uncomfortable topic (no pun intended, for many reasons). Hernias are yet another example of body parts not being in their proper place. They are caused by weak muscles or tissue allowing other tissue to push through in the face of pressure.  Hernias can be found in many places and can be caused by many things.
Here are some examples of places hernias occur:

  • In your groin, different types of hernias occur when either the intestine or bladder pushes through groin (inguinal canal) or the abdominal wall.  The most common type of hernias here are called inguinal hernias.
  • In the upper thigh, the intestine can push through a different space where arteries are normally carried.  These are called femoral hernias.
  • In your abdomen, your intestine may protrude through an area where you’ve had surgery (rendering that area relatively weak).  These are called incisional hernias.
  • The small intestine can protrude through the area immediately at or near your belly button. These are called umbilical hernias.
  • Part of your stomach can push through an opening in your diaphragm near the end of the feeding tube (your esophagus). These are called hiatal hernias.

The ‘so-what’ of hernias is similar to other outpoutchings throughout the body. Prolapsed intestines (to use one example) can become unable to be relocated into the proper area (an irreducible or incarcerated hernia) or once trapped, it may have blood flow cut off from that part of your intestine (a strangulated hernia).  This could lead to death of that tissue. Given the contents of your intestines, any such situations could lead to rupture and infection throughout your body (sepsis). Such complications are life-threatening and require immediate surgery.
Here are causes and risk factors (remember the common denominators are pressure and weakness of the affected area):

  • Lifting heavy objects is a particular risk if your abdominal muscles are weak. Men are structurally weaker in the groin anyway.
  • Pregnancy and obesity lead to femoral hernias and umbilical hernias (although this type is most common in newborns).
  • Surgery obviously places you at risk for an incisional hernia, particularly if you’re inactive.
  • Pressure within the abdomen is also increased by sneezing, coughing, diarrhea and constipation (Don’t strain!).
  • Smoking, obesity and poor dietary habits also increase the risk by lessening muscle strength.

Don’t let this happen to you! I welcome any questions.  Hold the comments!
Feel free to ask your SMA expert consultant any questions you may have on this topic.
Order your copy of Dr. Sterling’s new book Behind The Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER at jeffreysterlingbooks.com, iTunes, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and wherever books are sold.
Thanks for liking and following Straight, No Chaser! This public service provides a sample of what http://www.SterlingMedicalAdvice.com (SMA) and 844-SMA-TALK offers. Please share our page with your friends on WordPress, like us on Facebook SterlingMedicalAdvice.com and follow us on Twitter at @asksterlingmd.
Copyright © 2017 · Sterling Initiatives, LLC · Powered by WordPress

Straight, No Chaser: Appendicitis – When a Little Something Causes a Lot…

There’s not much that causes as much legitimate angst in parents as a child with appendicitis. In case you don’t know what the fuss is all about, the appendix is a 3 1/2 inch pouch on the edge of the large intestine near the right lower part of your abdomen. It’s actually like a long, skinny skin tag that (as best as we know) has no purpose other than to seemingly get inflamed, rupture and require surgery. The problem with it is that it’s a pouch (Pouches are bad things in the body. They always seem to twist or otherwise get blocked, leading to problems. This happens with aneurysms and hemorrhoids, twisting otherwise occurs with torsion of ovarian cysts or the testes. These stories don’t end well.). This particular pouch has the misfortune of being filled with stool, so if it gets sufficiently blocked or inflamed to the point where it ruptures, your abdomen will contain loose stool, which as you can imagine will cause a nasty infection rapidly (This is called peritonitis.). Appendicitis is a surgical emergency, because left untreated, the peritonitis caused by rupture will lead to septic shock.


Appendicitis is very common, occurring in one of fifteen individuals, usually between ages 10-30. It is more dangerous in the young and old, because they are both less able to describe symptoms and more likely to have abnormal presentations. Both of these scenarios lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, which as you might imagine, doesn’t give patients the best opportunity for good outcomes.

appy rlq

Symptoms classically involve abdominal pain, followed by nausea, vomiting and fever, although other symptoms involving the digestive and urinary systems may be present. Often, the pain begins near the umbilicus (belly button) and seemingly migrates to the right lower portion of the abdomen. The pain may lead to a ‘board-like’ feel of the abdomen. This is a bad sign when it happens.

The below video is a virtual depiction of appendectomy surgery via a technique known as laparoscopy. Use your discretion in choosing to view.

Treatment involves surgery (an appendectomy) in the overwhelming majority of cases. Your job is to maintain a high level of suspicion and remember a few very important pearls of wisdom. First is seek medical attention without delay. Also, don’t eat, drink or take any medicine if you think this is what’s going on. Surgery requires an empty stomach, and certain medicines may mask the pain (leading to diagnostic difficulties) or facilitate early rupture of the appendix. In case you were wondering, there’s no definitive way to prevent appendicitis, but it is less frequent in those on high fiber diets. Score another point for fruits and vegetables.
Feel free to ask your SMA expert consultant any questions you may have on this topic.
Order your copy of Dr. Sterling’s new book Behind The Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER at jeffreysterlingbooks.com, iTunes, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and wherever books are sold.
Thanks for liking and following Straight, No Chaser! This public service provides a sample of what http://www.SterlingMedicalAdvice.com (SMA) and 844-SMA-TALK offers. Please share our page with your friends on WordPress, like us on Facebook SterlingMedicalAdvice.com and follow us on Twitter at @asksterlingmd.
Copyright © 2017 · Sterling Initiatives, LLC · Powered by WordPress

Straight, No Chaser: Hernias Are Why Your Doctor Asks You to Turn Your Head and Cough!


Hernias are an uncomfortable topic (no pun intended, for many reasons). Hernias are yet another example of body parts not being in their proper place. They are caused by weak muscles or tissue allowing other tissue to push through in the face of pressure.  Hernias can be found in many places and can be caused by many things.
Here are some examples of places hernias occur:

  • In your groin, different types of hernias occur when either the intestine or bladder pushes through groin (inguinal canal) or the abdominal wall.  The most common type of hernias here are called inguinal hernias.
  • In the upper thigh, the intestine can push through a different space where arteries are normally carried.  These are called femoral hernias.
  • In your abdomen, your intestine may protrude through an area where you’ve had surgery (rendering that area relatively weak).  These are called incisional hernias.
  • The small intestine can protrude through the area immediately at or near your belly button. These are called umbilical hernias.
  • Part of your stomach can push through an opening in your diaphragm near the end of the feeding tube (your esophagus). These are called hiatal hernias.

The ‘so-what’ of hernias is similar to other outpoutchings throughout the body. Prolapsed intestines (to use one example) can become unable to be relocated into the proper area (an irreducible or incarcerated hernia) or once trapped, it may have blood flow cut off from that part of your intestine (a strangulated hernia).  This could lead to death of that tissue. Given the contents of your intestines, any such situations could lead to rupture and infection throughout your body (sepsis). Such complications are life-threatening and require immediate surgery.
Here are causes and risk factors (remember the common denominators are pressure and weakness of the affected area):

  • Lifting heavy objects is a particular risk if your abdominal muscles are weak. Men are structurally weaker in the groin anyway.
  • Pregnancy and obesity lead to femoral hernias and umbilical hernias (although this type is most common in newborns).
  • Surgery obviously places you at risk for an incisional hernia, particularly if you’re inactive.
  • Pressure within the abdomen is also increased by sneezing, coughing, diarrhea and constipation (Don’t strain!).
  • Smoking, obesity and poor dietary habits also increase the risk by lessening muscle strength.

Don’t let this happen to you! I welcome any questions.  Hold the comments!
Feel free to ask your SMA expert consultant any questions you may have on this topic.
Order your copy of Dr. Sterling’s new book Behind The Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER at jeffreysterlingbooks.com, iTunes, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and wherever books are sold.
Thanks for liking and following Straight, No Chaser! This public service provides a sample of what http://www.SterlingMedicalAdvice.com (SMA) and 844-SMA-TALK offers. Please share our page with your friends on WordPress, like us on Facebook SterlingMedicalAdvice.com and follow us on Twitter at @asksterlingmd.
Copyright © 2016 · Sterling Initiatives, LLC · Powered by WordPress

Straight, No Chaser: Appendicitis – When a Little Something Causes a Lot…

There’s not much that causes as much legitimate angst in parents as a child with appendicitis. In case you don’t know what the fuss is all about, the appendix is a 3 1/2 inch pouch on the edge of the large intestine near the right lower part of your abdomen. It’s actually like a long, skinny skin tag that (as best as we know) has no purpose other than to seemingly get inflamed, rupture and require surgery. The problem with it is that it’s a pouch (Pouches are bad things in the body. They always seem to twist or otherwise get blocked, leading to problems. This happens with aneurysms and hemorrhoids, twisting otherwise occurs with torsion of ovarian cysts or the testes. These stories don’t end well.). This particular pouch has the misfortune of being filled with stool, so if it gets sufficiently blocked or inflamed to the point where it ruptures, your abdomen will contain loose stool, which as you can imagine will cause a nasty infection rapidly (This is called peritonitis.). Appendicitis is a surgical emergency, because left untreated, the peritonitis caused by rupture will lead to septic shock.


Appendicitis is very common, occurring in one of fifteen individuals, usually between ages 10-30. It is more dangerous in the young and old, because they are both less able to describe symptoms and more likely to have abnormal presentations. Both of these scenarios lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, which as you might imagine, doesn’t give patients the best opportunity for good outcomes.

appy rlq

Symptoms classically involve abdominal pain, followed by nausea, vomiting and fever, although other symptoms involving the digestive and urinary systems may be present. Often, the pain begins near the umbilicus (belly button) and seemingly migrates to the right lower portion of the abdomen. The pain may lead to a ‘board-like’ feel of the abdomen. This is a bad sign when it happens.

The below video is a virtual depiction of appendectomy surgery via a technique known as laparoscopy. Use your discretion in choosing to view.

Treatment involves surgery (an appendectomy) in the overwhelming majority of cases. Your job is to maintain a high level of suspicion and remember a few very important pearls of wisdom. First is seek medical attention without delay. Also, don’t eat, drink or take any medicine if you think this is what’s going on. Surgery requires an empty stomach, and certain medicines may mask the pain (leading to diagnostic difficulties) or facilitate early rupture of the appendix. In case you were wondering, there’s no definitive way to prevent appendicitis, but it is less frequent in those on high fiber diets. Score another point for fruits and vegetables.
Feel free to ask your SMA expert consultant any questions you may have on this topic.
Order your copy of Dr. Sterling’s new book Behind The Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER at jeffreysterlingbooks.com, iTunes, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and wherever books are sold.
Thanks for liking and following Straight, No Chaser! This public service provides a sample of what http://www.SterlingMedicalAdvice.com (SMA) and 844-SMA-TALK offers. Please share our page with your friends on WordPress, like us on Facebook SterlingMedicalAdvice.com and follow us on Twitter at @asksterlingmd.
Copyright © 2016 · Sterling Initiatives, LLC · Powered by WordPress

Straight, No Chaser: Hernias Are Why Your Doctor Asks You to Turn Your Head and Cough!


Hernias are an uncomfortable topic (no pun intended, for many reasons). Hernias are yet another example of body parts not being in their proper place. They are caused by weak muscles or tissue allowing other tissue to push through in the face of pressure.  Hernias can be found in many places and can be caused by many things.
Here are some examples of places hernias occur:

  • In your groin, different types of hernias occur when either the intestine or bladder pushes through groin (inguinal canal) or the abdominal wall.  The most common type of hernias here are called inguinal hernias.
  • In the upper thigh, the intestine can push through a different space where arteries are normally carried.  These are called femoral hernias.
  • In your abdomen, your intestine may protrude through an area where you’ve had surgery (rendering that area relatively weak).  These are called incisional hernias.
  • The small intestine can protrude through the area immediately at or near your belly button. These are called umbilical hernias.
  • Part of your stomach can push through an opening in your diaphragm near the end of the feeding tube (your esophagus). These is called hiatal hernias.

The ‘so-what’ of hernias is similar to other outpoutchings throughout the body. Prolapsed intestines (to use one example) can become unable to be relocated into the proper area (an irreducible or incarcerated hernia) or once trapped, it may have blood flow cut off from that part of your intestine (a strangulated hernia).  This could lead to death of that tissue. Given the contents of your intestines, any such situations could lead to rupture and infection throughout your body (sepsis). Such complications are life-threatening and require immediate surgery.
Here are causes and risk factors (remember the common denominators are pressure and weakness of the affected area):

  • Lifting heavy objects is a particular risk if your abdominal muscles are weak. Men are structurally weaker in the groin anyway.
  • Pregnancy and obesity lead to femoral hernias and umbilical hernias (although this type is most common in newborns).
  • Surgery obviously places you at risk for an incisional hernia, particularly if you’re inactive.
  • Pressure within the abdomen is also increased by sneezing, coughing, diarrhea and constipation (Don’t strain!).
  • Smoking, obesity and poor dietary habits also increase the risk by lessening muscle strength.

Don’t let this happen to you! I welcome any questions.  Hold the comments!

Thanks for liking and following Straight, No Chaser! This public service provides a sample of what 844-SMA-TALK and http://www.SterlingMedicalAdvice.com (SMA) offers. Please share our page with your friends on WordPress. We are also on Facebook at SterlingMedicalAdvice.com and Twitter at @asksterlingmd.

Copyright © 2015 · Sterling Initiatives, LLC · Powered by WordPress

Straight, No Chaser: Appendicitis – A Whole Lot over Quite a Little…


There’s not much that causes as much legitimate angst in parents as a child with appendicitis. In case you don’t know what the fuss is all about, the appendix is a 3 1/2 inch pouch on the edge of the large intestine near the right lower part of your abdomen. It’s actually like a long, skinny skin tag that (as best as we know) has no purpose other than to seemingly get inflamed, rupture and require surgery. The problem with it is that it’s a pouch (Pouches are bad things in the body. They always seem to twist or otherwise get blocked, leading to problems. This happens with aneurysms and hemorrhoids; twisting otherwise occurs with torsion of ovarian cysts or the testes. These stories don’t end well.). This particular pouch has the misfortune of being filled with stool, so if it gets sufficiently blocked or inflamed to the point where it ruptures, your abdomen will contain loose stool, which as you can imagine will cause a nasty infection rapidly (This is called peritonitis.). Appendicitis is a surgical emergency, because left untreated, the peritonitis caused by rupture will lead to septic shock.


Appendicitis is very common, occurring in one of fifteen individuals, usually between ages 10-30. It is more dangerous in the young and old, because they are both less able to describe symptoms and more likely to have abnormal presentations. Both of these scenarios lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, which as you might imagine, doesn’t give patients the best opportunity for good outcomes.

appy rlq

Symptoms classically involve abdominal pain, followed by nausea, vomiting and fever, although other symptoms involving the digestive and urinary systems may be present. Often, the pain begins near the umbilicus (belly button) and seemingly migrates to the right lower portion of the abdomen. The pain may lead to a ‘board-like’ feel of the abdomen. This is a bad sign when it happens.

The below video is a virtual depiction of appendectomy surgery via a technique known as laparoscopy. Use your discretion in choosing to view.

Treatment involves surgery (an appendectomy) in the overwhelming majority of cases. Your job is to maintain a high level of suspicion and remember a few very important pearls of wisdom. First is seek medical attention without delay. Also, don’t eat, drink or take any medicine if you think this is what’s going on. Surgery requires an empty stomach, and certain medicines may mask the pain (leading to diagnostic difficulties) or facilitate early rupture of the appendix. In case you were wondering, there’s no definitive way to prevent appendicitis, but it is less frequent in those on high fiber diets. Score another point for fruits and vegetables.
Feel free to ask your SMA expert consultant any questions you may have on this topic.
Order your copy of Dr. Sterling’s new book Behind The Curtain: A Peek at Life from within the ER at jeffreysterlingbooks.com, iTunes, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and wherever books are sold.
Thanks for liking and following Straight, No Chaser! This public service provides a sample of what http://www.SterlingMedicalAdvice.com (SMA) and 844-SMA-TALK offers. Please share our page with your friends on WordPress, like us on Facebook SterlingMedicalAdvice.com and follow us on Twitter at @asksterlingmd.
Copyright © 2016 · Sterling Initiatives, LLC · Powered by WordPress

Straight, No Chaser: Hernias – Turn Your Head and Cough!

Hernias are an uncomfortable topic (no pun intended, for many reasons). Hernias are yet another example of body parts not being in their proper place. They are caused by weak muscles or tissue allowing other tissue to push through in the face of pressure.  Hernias can be found in many places and can be caused by many things.
Here are some examples of places hernias occur:

  • In your groin, different types of hernias occur when either the intestine or bladder pushes through groin (inguinal canal) or the abdominal wall.  The most common type of hernias here are called inguinal hernias.
  • In the upper thigh, the intestine can push through a different space where arteries are normally carried.  These are called femoral hernias.
  • In your abdomen, your intestine may protrude through an area where you’ve had surgery (rendering that area relatively weak).  These are called incisional hernias.
  • The small intestine can protrude through the area immediately at or near your belly button. These are called umbilical hernias.
  • Part of your stomach can push through an opening in your diaphragm near the end of the feeding tube (your esophagus). These is called hiatal hernias.

The ‘so-what’ of hernias is similar to other outpoutchings throughout the body. Prolapsed intestines (to use one example) can become unable to be relocated into the proper area (an irreducible or incarcerated hernia) or once trapped, it may have blood flow cut off from that part of your intestine (a strangulated hernia).  This could lead to death of that tissue. Given the contents of your intestines, any such situations could lead to rupture and infection throughout your body (sepsis). Such complications are life-threatening and require immediate surgery.
Here are causes and risk factors (remember the common denominators are pressure and weakness of the affected area):

  • Lifting heavy objects is a particular risk if your abdominal muscles are weak. Men are structurally weaker in the groin anyway.
  • Pregnancy and obesity lead to femoral hernias and umbilical hernias (although this type is most common in newborns).
  • Surgery obviously places you at risk for an incisional hernia, particularly if you’re inactive.
  • Pressure within the abdomen is also increased by sneezing, coughing, diarrhea and constipation (Don’t strain!).
  • Smoking, obesity and poor dietary habits also increase the risk by lessening muscle strength.

Don’t let this happen to you! I welcome any questions.  Hold the comments!
Copyright © 2013 · Sterling Initiatives, LLC · Powered by WordPress

Straight, No Chaser: Appendicitis – A Whole Lot over Quite a Little…

There’s not much that causes as much legitimate angst in parents as a child with appendicitis. In case you don’t know what the fuss is all about, the appendix is a 3 1/2 inch pouch on the edge of the large intestine near the right lower part of your abdomen. It’s actually like a long, skinny skin tag that (as best as we know) has no purpose other than to seemingly get inflamed, rupture and require surgery. The problem with it is that it’s a pouch (Pouches are bad things in the body. They always seem to twist or otherwise get blocked, leading to problems. This happens with aneurysms and hemorrhoids; twisting otherwise occurs with torsion of ovarian cysts or the testes. These stories don’t end well.). This particular pouch has the misfortune of being filled with stool, so if it gets sufficiently blocked or inflamed to the point where it ruptures, your abdomen will contain loose stool, which as you can imagine will cause a nasty infection rapidly (This is called peritonitis.). Appendicitis is a surgical emergency, because left untreated, the peritonitis caused by rupture will lead to septic shock.
Appendicitis is very common, occurring in one of fifteen individuals, usually between ages 10-30. It is more dangerous in the young and old, because they are both less able to describe symptoms and more likely to have abnormal presentations. Both of these scenarios lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, which as you might imagine, doesn’t give patients the best opportunity for good outcomes.
Symptoms classically involve abdominal pain, followed by nausea, vomiting and fever, although other symptoms involving the digestive and urinary systems may be present. Often, the pain begins near the umbilicus (belly button) and seemingly migrates to the right lower portion of the abdomen. The pain may lead to a ‘board-like’ feel of the abdomen. This is a bad sign when it happens.
Treatment involves surgery (an appendectomy) in the overwhelming majority of cases. Your job is to maintain a high level of suspicion and remember a few very important pearls of wisdom. First is seek medical attention without delay. Also, don’t eat, drink or take any medicine if you think this is what’s going on. Surgery requires an empty stomach, and certain medicines may mask the pain (leading to diagnostic difficulties) or facilitate early rupture of the appendix. In case you were wondering, there’s no definitive way to prevent appendicitis, but it is less frequent in those on high fiber diets. Score another point for fruits and vegetables.
I welcome any questions or comments you may have.
Copyright © 2013 · Sterling Initiatives, LLC · Powered by WordPress