Tag Archives: New Year’s Resolutions

The Straight, No Chaser Guide to Completing Your New Year's Resolutions


We’ve spent the last week addressing your health-related New Year’s resolutions involving healthy eating, exercise routines, smoking cessation and stress reduction. None of these endeavors is easy, and they often involve starts and stops with failure before success. It seems that the take-home messages are pretty clear.

  • People choose these endeavors because they are the basics to preventing many illnesses and diseases and to enjoying a healthy life.
  • Pursuing these efforts involves a lifestyle change. Quick fixes just won’t get it done, no matter how sexy or well-marketed the fad or gimmick is.
  • Many have succeeded in the efforts you’re pursuing. Understand that difficulty, frustration and occasional setbacks are often part of the process but don’t necessary define failure and shouldn’t cause you to give up the pursuit of better health.

If you’re serious about turning your resolutions into completed actions, consider employing some tried and true strategies.

  • Engage others such as friends and family in your quest. Let them know of your goal. Empower them to support you and hold you accountable. Encourage them to join you.
  • Plan your strategy. Write it down. Have benchmarks, check-ins and intermittent goals. These lofty goals can’t just be a passing fancy. These are difficult tasks and require a certain amount of serious planning on the front end and diligence along the way.
  • Reward yourself. This effort can’t just be a chore and something that makes you miserable. This is a big deal and should be treated as such. Plan to celebrate your success, and make it a nice enough reward that its pursuit is worth the efforts you’re going through!

Your final take-home message is one we hope you realize by now. You don’t have to pursue these efforts alone. Your physician’s team should be engaged to help you in these endeavors as needed, but if and when they aren’t, you have an additional team available to you 24/7 at www.sterlingmedicaladvice.com and 844-SMA-TALK.  We wish you the best in your pursuit of better health. Happy 2014!
From this week’s posts, here’s your guide to successfully completing your New Year’s Resolutions.
1 – Straight, No Chaser: The Benefits of Exercise and Other Physical Activity
2 – Straight, No Chaser: Here are Steps for You to Take – Get Active!
3 – Straight, No Chaser: Do You Even Know How to Eat Healthy?
4 – Straight, No Chaser: Diet and Nutrition Tips
5 – Straight, No Chaser: Smoking Cessation
6 – Straight, No Chaser: Here’s How You Stop Smoking—Quick Tips to S.T.A.R.T.
7 – Straight, No Chaser: Pass The Stress Test
8 – Straight No Chaser: Your Stress Management Plan
Feel free to ask your SMA expert consultant any questions you may have on this topic.
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